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Cold storage aluminum
Creatime: 2017/2/27
Cold storage of aluminum applications in today's society is very common, and today I have to explain to you about this product in the cutting production of the need to pay attention to some of the problems, the first need to pay attention to the aluminum cutting machine should be Conduct daily checks to check if there is any oil in the oil cup. Normally, the oil in the oil cups should be kept full to prevent the lack of lubricating oil inside, resulting in reduced service life of the air compressor parts. Check the pressure before use, or likely to cause damage to the air compressor parts. When the power is not used, turn off the fuse switch to ensure the safety of the machine and personnel. To a week on the lubrication of the Department, connecting rod frame before and after the shaft, the rod and the rod of the rod with the Department, the cylinder connector, into the material at both ends of the roller with a check at work, add appropriate lubricants to prevent Because the parts stuck to cause downtime. When using cutting oil, the proportion can not be too thin, to prevent excessive water, and cause easy to rust, resulting in stuck phenomenon. It is necessary to promptly add the amount of cutting oil, after full cooling, it can reduce the burrs of aluminum material. To keep the work surface clean and to ensure the accuracy of sawing. To check the duct every day to see whether the phenomenon of damage, found damaged to immediately replace the new duct to prevent the phenomenon of leakage when running. For the aluminum cutting machine to check the belt once a week to see whether the belt is parallel, whether the surface pressure is too loose or too tight phenomenon, if found to have problems, must be immediately adjusted or replaced.
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